Page 52 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 52

Job Interview Question 21

                  How did you hear about this position?

This is probably an opening question, possibly in a phone interview—but that’s no reason not to
answer it in a powerful way.

   Never say, “I saw it on Monster” (or Career Builder, Indeed, etc.) and leave it at that. This makes
it seem as if you are trolling for any job, anywhere, and you don’t care what it is as long as you get
paid for it.

   If you did learn about it on a job board, say so, but then follow up with what caused you to apply
for it: “I realized as I read through the job description that I am the perfect fit for this job.”

   Or, you were so excited to find it because you’re a great fit for the job because of A, B, and C
(your skills) AND because it’s somewhere you always wanted to live.

   Or you were so excited to find it because you’ve heard great things about this company for a long
time and you’re thrilled about the possibility of working there.

   Add something that expresses your fit or enthusiasm, which will set you apart.
   If you found out about the job through a more focused source, such as an industry newsletter, a
LinkedIn group post, or on their own company website, say so, and then again, add what it was that
caused you to be excited about applying for the job.
   If you found out about the job through a friend or professional contact, tell them who that person
is and why they thought of you for the job (which mentions your fit for it). Then you can say, “And as I
found out more about the job, I agreed. And, it’s even a great fit because of X. I’m so glad my friend
called me!”
   If you found out through a recruiter, this can be the most powerful source of all, because the
recruiter is the person who likely has a relationship with the company, and who definitely has the
most objective viewpoint on whether or not you’re a good candidate for the job. Again, mention why
the recruiter thought you were an especially good fit for the job and why you think so, too.
   Even with questions that don’t really seem on the surface like a serious job interview question,
don’t miss the opportunity you have with it (and every question) to sell yourself for the job.
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