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P. 110


    Question 39. Give an example of a time when you offered your res-


    Situation: I worked for a company that serviced credit card accounts,

and I was responsible for persuading retailers to switch over to Merchant Ex-
press. I excelled in the position, attaining the best closure rate of all new hires.
Unfortunately, after a month, I started to receive phone calls from my clients
because they were dissatisfied with the service.

    Action: I immediately called my supervisor to go over the list of

complaints and find ways to rectify client concerns. During the meeting, I
was informed that my job was to sell the product, not to return customer
phone calls after the sales were made. Despite my apprehension about ig-
noring these customers, I was told I had no choice, since that was com-
pany procedure.

    Result: Within twenty-four hours of that conversation, I gave my res-

ignation. The company’s protocol was not one I was comfortable with, and I
found another position where customer needs were appreciated.

                   Career Goals

Your career goals and how they fit with the interviewing company’s mis-
sion are important points that interest interviewers.

              Key Behaviors and Career Values

A. Future-focused. Strengthens career aspects by anticipating change, taking his or
her career seriously, and making a conscious effort to move that career forward.
Example: _________________________________________________________

B. Recognizes personal weaknesses. Identifies areas that need improvement and
develops a plan to overcome them.
Example: _________________________________________________________

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