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I. Shows tenacity. Displays a strong resolve to meet self-prescribed expectations.

Example: _________________________________________________________

J. Makes careful decisions. Applies reason to reach decisions that open doors to

Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 40. Recall a time when you made a difficult career move.

    Situation: When Time Media Corporation merged with Media Elite, I

was offered a promotion. Unfortunately, the acquisition meant that the or-
ganization became a publicly owned company. As such, I recognized that,
with the union of both companies, the corporate culture would change from
being customer-centric to investor-centric. Though I understood the value of
a public company, my preference is to work for a privately held organization
where there is more freedom to take business aspirations to the next level
while simultaneously enhancing the client experience.

    Action: As a result, I resigned from the company. That said, to ensure

that I assisted in the transition period, I agreed to stay on until a replacement
was found.

    Result: After three months of recruitment and training efforts, a qual-

ified candidate took over my responsibilities. And soon after that, I accepted
a position with another organization where I was a better fit.

    Question 41. Describe a time when a company you worked for in-

vested in you professionally.

    Situation: When I worked for Steel Mandates, company policy

stated that after a year of employment, employees could pursue their mas-
ter’s degree on the owner’s dime.

    Action: I took advantage of the program. In fact, I was only one of two

in the company’s history to take advantage of the generous policy.

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