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G. Is a life-long learner. Continues to acquire mastery of new fields; promotes self-
advancement and professional growth through personal development.

Example: _________________________________________________________

H. Is level headed. Balances passion and common sense to achieve goals.

Example: _________________________________________________________

I. Shows commitment. Demonstrates belief in an organization’s mission and as-
pires to grow within the company.

Example: _________________________________________________________

J. Has enthusiasm. Draws energy from a love of the work and uses passion to pro-
duce stellar results.

Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 104. Tell me about a time when you set and achieved a goal.
    Situation: I applied to the Reliant Company because of its fine reputa-

tion for promoting from within. With my determination to go above and beyond
what is expected of me, I hoped that soon after I was hired, I would be offered
a promotion.

    Action: Within my first week of employment, I set up a meeting with

the department head for the purpose of developing a list of objectives that
were important to achieve within a three-month period. We came up with
three action items and created a plan for achieving each.

                                      American Management Association
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