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    Result: I educated visitors about the artwork in the museum. After

work, I enjoyed the Swiss culture and its people. I returned to the States re-
vitalized, ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

    Question 116. Tell me about a time you leveraged contacts to meet a

business goal.

    Situation: As a television producer, it is important that I maintain solid

relationships with political figures, both local and national. Recently a story
broke concerning a group of senators who had vowed to block a deal with a
foreign entity unless the price of oil was stabilized.

    Action: Since it was a newsworthy story I had difficulty contacting a

member of the senate team, so I called in a favor to an oil lobbyist to see if he
could arrange a meeting with the politicians involved.

    Result: Every news department was after the story, but I got there

first. Eventually they learned the details, however, our news team covered it
as “breaking news.”


During a career, there are times to be a follower and other times when
it’s important to take the initiative. Taking the lead when necessary is an
attribute that interviewers will focus on during an interview.

              Career Values and Key Behaviors

A. Proactive. Anticipates problems and determines a tactical strategy to prevent is-
sues from arising.

Example: _________________________________________________________

B. Undertakes assignments. Seeks out unfinished tasks and takes the proper steps
to ensure their completion.

Example: _________________________________________________________

American Management Association
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