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out of reach, however, the company implemented the change a few years later
in a satellite office. Eventually, the process was applied company-wide.

    Question 119. Describe an occasion when an idea you had was met

with enthusiasm by management.

    Situation: The manual system for recording employee participation in

training programs was cumbersome.

    Action: I implemented a learning-management system whereby em-

ployees could register for courses, view a history of courses they had taken,
receive reminders of upcoming workshops, and notify supervisors when the
staff registered for courses. In addition, I created an e-mail announcement for
the system, developed a tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to use
it, and offered training workshops.

    Result: Since Human Resources was no longer required to provide

employees with a list of training programs, their time was freed up to attend
to more important departmental matters.

    Question 120. Describe a time when you took an active role in a proj-

ect for which you had little experience.

    Situation: I worked as an administrative assistant for years. Though

I had no experience, when the position of special communications specialist
opened up, management approached me to consider it.

    Action: I suggested and then launched a new intranet Web site to pro-

mote an Executive Briefing Program on a cross-company basis.

    Result: The efforts resulted in 50 percent greater participation from all

levels of management. The initiative also generated internal strategic part-
nerships based on improved interdepartmental communications.

    Question 121. Give me an example of a time you worked for a startup.

    Situation: Because it would be a challenge, I decided to work for a

startup company that was obtaining a patent for LCD displays in elevators.

    Action: I set up a client list of potential customers, and I introduced the

idea of elevator commercial placements to the executives.

    Result: Though I was successful in selling the product, unfortunately

the patent was not approved and the operation shut down. That said, the ex-

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