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9C h a p t e r
Competency #4—
Analytical Skills
Challenges often arise during your typical workday, and the way you
handle those problems and difficult situations determines their outcome,
of course, but it also speaks volumes about how you think and act as an
employee. Positive results reflect your ability to objectively assess the cir-
cumstances and decide how to close the gap between problem and solu-
tion. On the flip side, negative results demonstrate your inconsistent and
unpredictable behavior—traits that ultimately hinder an organization’s
growth, not to mention your career growth.
An interviewer will use competency-based questions to assess your
problem-solving skills and your attention to detail—in short, whether you
can use a reasoned approach to solving problems and follow through on
the details.
Problem Solving
Every position requires the use of problem-solving skills. Interviewers
will be interested in the way you approach resolving issues, and if your
methods mesh with the organization’s culture.
American Management Association