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lection and deployment of an RIS-integrated PACs system that, in the end,
slashed entry mistakes by 95 percent.

    Question 137. Describe a time when you solved a problem using a skill

you acquired through professional training.

    Situation: The last training I received was on leadership, where I

learned the power of attentive listening and compromise. Before training, I
would have developed a plan and then delegated the responsibilities without
requesting input from the team.

    Action: Now, I choose certain projects and I ask team members for

their thoughts on how to proceed in accomplishing them.

    Result: I realized that, when given a chance, everyone in the group

wants to contribute innovative ideas. Additionally, I found that when employ-
ees have a say, they take an active interest in achieving the end result.

    Question 138. Tell me about an occasion when you solved a problem

without using the resources you needed.

    Situation: Along with four other people, I was hired to start a cus-

tomer service department.

    Action: As a team, we set up protocols and scripts that outlined com-

mon customer inquires. The department was coming together well, until two
team members resigned within days of each other.

    Result: Owing to a hiring freeze, neither of the ex-employees was

replaced. Brenda, the remaining co-worker, and I managed to do the work
of four people without increasing our hold times or sacrificing customer sat-

    Question 139. There are many people applying for this position. Recall

the last achievement that demonstrates you are the right candidate for this

    Situation: At Sports Action Company, I conceptualized, launched, and

managed an active-lifestyle product line across three categories.

    Action: Keeping in mind the company brand and its apparel program,

I created advertising strategies and campaigns.

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