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Example: _________________________________________________________

G. Open-minded. Lets go of preconceptions and is receptive to new ways of think-
ing; comes up with different approaches to a situation.

Example: _________________________________________________________

H. Self-confident. Confident in the possibility of achieving success, sure of one’s
ability to manage problems.

Example: _________________________________________________________

I. Evaluative. Judges situations carefully and assesses options before settling on a

Example: _________________________________________________________

J. Intuitive. Supplements reason with gut impressions; uses past experiences and
impressions for insights into new problems.

Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 132. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with manage-

ment’s decision. What did you do about it?

    Obstacle: Twin Mountains encourages a collaborative environment

where teams work together to prepare key account presentations. We re-

                                      American Management Association
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