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P. 156
I. Purposeful. Sets one’s mind to completing a project, regardless of problems.
Example: _________________________________________________________
J. Takes action. Ready to initiate action without hesitation.
Example: _________________________________________________________
Interview Questions and Answers
Question 117. Recall a time when you were given a set of instructions
that you were unable to follow.
Situation: When I first joined the Trading Company, I thought it was
a sign of weakness to acknowledge that I didn’t grasp a concept and needed
clarification. This mind-set led to my struggling on a project and spending
more time on it than necessary. I met the deadline, but only by a hair.
Action: For the next task assigned to me, I asked questions until I un-
derstood the project’s scope and the steps I needed to take to complete it.
Result: I was able to finish my projects without feeling undue pressure.
In addition, by asking questions of others, I built rapport with my co-workers.
Question 118. Give an example of a situation in which you did some-
thing that you knew had little chance of success.
Situation: In searching for ways to save the company money, I dis-
covered that many offices were going paperless.
Action: I researched several software applications and identified the
one that best fit the organization’s needs. My research showed me, however,
that the software license made the idea cost-prohibitive.
Result: Nevertheless, since I took the time to conduct the research, I
submitted my findings to my immediate supervisor. She was so impressed not
only with my initiative but also with the idea of going green. She forwarded the
research to the head of the company. As I suspected, the licensing fees were
American Management Association