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P. 181
Interview Questions and Answers
Question 161. Tell me about a situation in which you became aware of
a serious mistake made by a colleague and what you did about it.
Situation: A colleague uploaded a copyrighted article to the com-
pany’s intranet site.
Action: Through an e-mail message, I informed her that she needed to
acquire permission from the copyright owner of the article. Otherwise we
would be in violation of federal law.
Result: Since the material was online for only a few hours, she was
able to remove the article without consequence. Ultimately, she received per-
mission to reprint it and reloaded the article onto the site.
Question 162. Describe an occasion when you believed in your com-
pany even when team members had lowered morale.
Situation: Sunrise Nursing Home implemented a hiring freeze and all
remaining employees were required to arrive earlier and leave later. Many re-
signed their positions in search of less stressful situations. Though I understood
management’s reasoning, I grew to love the residents in the nursing home. In
addition, the home was ranked number three in the country, well known for its
excellent programs. I took great pride in my work with the community mem-
bers, so I decided to weather the storm and continue working there.
Action: Without protesting, I did what was asked, including taking on
double shifts when necessary.
Result: The hiring freeze lasted well over a year, but staying on en-
abled me to build on that loyalty with management while also enjoying my
good rapport with the residents.
Question 163. Describe a time when you were assigned a job-related
task that you questioned.
Situation: It was hurricane season in Florida, and though a statewide
evacuation was called, I was required to report to work the day of an expected
hurricane. In addition, I was mandated to sleep on the premises. I had family
obligations, and I was concerned that something might happen to them while
I was at work.
American Management Association