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Example: _________________________________________________________

H. Logical Sense. Makes sound and well-informed decisions to implement business

Example: _________________________________________________________

I. Strong Intuition. Incorporates gut instincts into thinking that comes up with the
best possible solutions.

Example: _________________________________________________________

J. Problem Solving. Defines the parameters of a problem and extracts pertinent in-
formation to develop a solution with little room for error.

Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 1. There are times when a firm decision must be made

quickly, and there are other times when it is prudent to consider all angles be-
fore reaching a conclusion. Give an example of a situation when you took
time in making a final decision.

    Situation: One of the first assignments I tackled at Trucking Services,

Inc., was to monitor the delay of international shipments. For an unknown
reason, packages were not arriving at distributors on time.

    Action: As the first course of action, I joined the production line to get

a hands-on feel for the shipping process. This step allowed me to pinpoint the
lag in production time and determine the next course of action.

    Result: I recommended logistic solutions that took into consideration

the different configurations of the packages, including varying weights and

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