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dimensions. Once the new system was in place, the orders arrived as

    Question 2. Rarely do issues arise that are one-dimensional. With that

fact in mind, describe a time you handled a situation that had different layers.

    Situation: At Management Properties, I was charged with spear-

heading a four-phase, seven-hundred-unit redevelopment, which included
two condos, multiple townhouses, and a ninety-one multi-office facility. There
were many initiatives I had to manage in order to receive approval for all the
construction efforts.

    Action: To ensure that everything went off without a hitch, I diligently cut

through a lot of red tape, including completing necessary paperwork, obtaining
necessary licenses, and attending town meetings. In addition, I networked with
local business and community leaders to receive their buy-in on the project’s
large scope.

    Result: Based on my efforts, I delivered positive results, including a

town vote by unanimous approval to green-light the construction. Conse-
quently, each phase of the project was completed within the specified time
schedule and within budget requirements.

    Question 3. Tell me about a time when you encountered competing

deadlines and you had to choose one deadline to fall by the wayside in order
to meet the others.

    Situation: Though there are occasions when I am pulled in multiple

directions, there has never been a time when I dropped the ball. That said, I
will gladly share a situation when I managed to juggle my time. In one partic-
ular instance, I was on my way to meet a client at a press conference when
I received a desperate call on my cell from another client, asking for assis-
tance in managing a crisis that just unfolded.

    Action: Since I could not be in two places at the same time, I requested

the assistance of another senior-level staff member, who gladly agreed to lend
a hand.

    Result: We split the responsibilities. I attended the press conference,

and once it was over, I rushed back to the office to co-manage my other
client’s crisis.

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