Page 34 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 34

2pREpaRIng fOR tHE

                   ‘Can’t I just be myself: I’m qualified for a sales job
                   and surely they will see that?’

                   We’ve heard candidates say this, and while
                   ‘be yourself’ is very good advice, trusting to
                   your native cunning rather than some proper
                   preparation is leaving a lot to chance, especially
                   when you are competing with candidates who
                   have done their homework – and believe us, a lot
                   of them will. In this chapter we will:

                   n show you how to research the organisation
                       you are applying to

                   n show you how to understand its competencies
                       and selection criteria

                   n give you tips on researching the interview

                   n show you how to prepare yourself.
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