Page 37 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 37

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS         Researching the organisation/

                                                 There are several very good reasons for researching the organisation you are
                                                 seeking to join.

                                                 n	 So that you know exactly what you are getting into – is this the kind of
                                                     organisation in which you can prosper; how do your talents match its
                                                     advertised needs?

                                                 n	 So that you can ask sensible questions at the end of the interview – you will
                                                     usually be given the chance, and it is a final opportunity to impress.

                                                 n	 So that you can anticipate some of the questions you will be asked – what
                                                     are the key things the organisation is likely to be looking for?

                                                 n	 So that you can show you are interested in the organisation, motivated to
                                                     join it and that you have been proactive in investigating its requirements.

                                                 It’s worth emphasising that most organisations will expect you to have done this
                                                 research and will be disappointed if it becomes clear that you haven’t. Imagine
                                                 these questions being asked:

                                                 n	 ‘So how much do you know about us?’
                                                 n	 ‘What makes you interested in working for us in particular?’
                                                 n	 ‘What do you see as the main challenges in the role you are applying for?’
                                                 n	 ‘What do you think about our recent press coverage?’

                                                 Giving a decent answer to questions like these depends on the research you
                                                 have done. Even when applying for an internal position, perhaps in a different
                                                 department, you should still do your basic homework. You have to assume
                                                 that the person or people interviewing you are enthusiastic, passionate and
                                                 committed to their business. You need to mirror this if you want to ‘get on their
                                                 wavelength’ and impress.

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