Page 14 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 14


Professionals in the staffing industry may be among the hardest-
working people in the world. I am gratified to be able to acknowl-
edge so many excellent people who carved time out of their busy
days to help me with this book.

   To these authorities, staffing professionals all, I express my grati-
tude: Kimberly Bedore, Janice Brookshier, Amy Cavalleri, Robert
Conlin, Susan Cucuzza, Eric Frost, Sandra Grabczynski, Jeanette
Grill, Scott Hagen, Anne Hallam, Joel Hamroff, Charles Handler,
Beau Harris, Jonathan Hilley, Bob Johnson, Robin M. Johnson,
Kathi Jones, Houston Landry, Grant Lehman, Nancy Levine, Sonja
C. Parker, Andrew Reese, Liz Reiersen, Jason Rodd, Eric Stamos,
Tony Stanic, Susan Trainer, Tom Thrower, Robin Upton, and Jason

   Special thanks go to Penelope Trunk for writing a very personal
Foreword. I have long admired The Brazen Careerist, Penelope’s
book and blog of the same name, and her unwavering commitment
to the proposition that wonderful things happen when we tell the
immaculate truth about ourselves.

   I appreciate Diane Asyre, principal with Asyre Communications,
for being so generous with her time, wisdom, and perspective.

   I thank Melanie Mays for the Company Cultural Survey and
Gary Ames and Dr. Wendell Williams for the organization of the
questions in Chapters 9–12.

   Once again I am indebted to Dr. John Sullivan, professor and
head of human resource management at San Francisco State Uni-
versity, for sharing with me his experience and perspective on every

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