Page 16 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 16


The situation for job seekers has radically worsened since 201 Best
Questions to Ask on Your Interview was first published in 2002. The
global economic meltdown has made the process of finding employ-
ment more challenging than any time since the Great Depression.
Job opportunities are fewer. At every level, competition is more
intense. Job interviews are rare and job offers are rarer still.

   That’s why the lessons of this book are more critical than ever. It’s
no longer enough to be merely qualified. Even exceptionally quali-
fied candidates continue to be frustrated in their efforts. Job inter-
views are increasingly used to screen candidates out.

   If you want a shot at the few great jobs that are out there, you have
to distinguish yourself in other ways. You have to make your candi-
dacy stand out. Precisely because most other candidates won’t, you
need to communicate your superior confidence, coachability, and
chutzpah. You have to shine in the interview.

   That’s where this book comes in.
   When this book was first published, job interviews were often an
opportunity for candidates to present their demands and screen the
best offers. Today the tide has turned and employers are running the
show again. If you want a job in today’s business environment, you
have to differentiate yourself from the competition. That means sig-
naling as quickly and directly as possible that you alone represent the
solution to the employer’s problem. One of the best ways to do that
is by the quality and intelligence of the questions you ask. Perhaps
the best way to distinguish yourself is by asking distinguished ques-
tions. Good questions demonstrate that you are curious, coachable,

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