Page 13 - BPA Area 3 PPP
P. 13
➢ Comparison and of the duly approved courses in the curriculum with CHED standards or minimum
requirements in terms of units.
The matrix below provides summary of approved curriculum of the program under survey in
comparison with that of CHED standards.
General Education 36 36
-PE 8 8
-NSTP 6 6
Common Business & Management 6 6
Courses (CBMEC)
Public Administration Courses 57 57
Special Course 12 12
Electives 12 15
Practicum 6 6
Sub- Total 143 146
Institutional Requirement 0 8
TOTAL 143 154
➢ Description on the congruence of the curricular program with the vision and mission of the institution
and the goals of the academic unit.
The curriculum of the Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) program is aligned with the vision and
mission of the University as a leading, vibrant, comprehensive and research university in the country and the
ASEAN region. Through its curriculum, the program is able to empower students with the necessary skills and
values for sustainable development.
As noted earlier, the program was offered in order to educate and train people to become competent
professionals and to respond to economic, political, social and ecological pressures that could affect public
administration and consequently the well-being and welfare of the people.
12 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area III: The Curriculum and Instruction/BPA