Page 14 - BPA Area 3 PPP
P. 14

➢ Description of how the curriculum was designed, developed,  monitored, reviewed and approved by
              authorities concerned, including the participation of the academic community and the stakeholders.

                  The College or University conducts regular review of its academic programs which is aimed at determining
           the relevance, necessity and the quality of the curriculum.

                  In ISU, the initiative emanates from the department level. The department, through an AD-Hoc Department
           Committee on Curriculum Review and Revision, periodically reviews curriculum, studies and deliberates the merits
           of the program for revision considering whether the programs are attuned to the needs/ demands of the time. The
           proposal must pass through the Campus and University Curriculum Review and Revision Committees, prior to
           presentation  to  the  College,  Campus  and  University  Academic  Councils,  respectively,  for  approval  and
           endorsement to the Board of Regents. The Campus Executive Officer over-sees the curriculum revision at the
           Campus level. As mandated, the Board of Regents gives the final approval of the revised program.

           ➢  Description of the system/s used in evaluating and improving the quality of the program including:
                      ▪  The role of stakeholders
                      ▪  The integration of recent trends and developments
                      ▪  The updating of course syllabi

                  A Curriculum Review and Evaluation committee was set up at the University/ Campus/College levels not
           only to periodically assess the responsiveness and relevance of curricular offerings but also to propose necessary
           revisions,  and  to  develop  and  propose  new  relevant  curricular  programs  for  endorsement  to  the  University
           Academic Council (University Code, Chapter IV Academic Policies, Article I, Section 1).

                  All curricular programs are subjected to periodic accreditation by the proper accrediting bodies to ensure
           quality and excellence of said programs.  (University Code, Chapter IV Academic Policies, Article I, Section 2)

                  13 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area III: The Curriculum and Instruction/BPA
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