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Parameter B - Instructional Processes, Methodologies and Learning Enhancement Opportunities
➢ Present Institutional policies regarding the preparation of course syllabi and other policies on
institutional processes, methodologies and learning opportunities.
The University Faculty Manual provides policies on the preparation of course syllabi and other policies
on institutional processes, methodologies and learning opportunities.
6.4 Teaching Duties and Responsibilities
6.4.1 – The teaching load of the faculty is programmed by the Dean or the Department Chairman.
6.4.2 - Every faculty member of the University has the following duties:
a. Be updated on subject-matter content and methods of teaching by attending seminars or
enrolling in formal graduate courses.
b. Should employ teaching methodologies and procedures that:
• are suited to the abilities of the students
• are consistent with the academic standards of the University
• challenge intellectual stimulations and discussion among students
Such teaching methodologies include question and answer, group work, role playing,
panel case studies, discussions, as well as lectures.
c. Should utilize audio visual aids to augment the teaching and learning process.
d. Should prepare a syllabus or outline of every course that he/she will teach. Such course syllabus
should have the prior authorization and signature of the dean and/or department chairman. As a
rule, syllabi should be mimeographed and distributed to each and every student of the class.
A common format for course syllabi is prescribed which is regularly revised or updated. A
seminar workshop is conducted wherein the format is revised or updated.
7. Other Academic Functions
7.1 Functions as a Teacher
a. Teaches by example in terms of academic excellence and personal integrity.
b. Shares his experiences in the expansion of frontiers of knowledge in his profession through
active participation, research, creative writing and attendance in professional meetings and
educational forums.
c. Assists the school administration and co-workers in all activities aimed at improving and
strengthening the programs and the operations of the University.
In addition, a Curriculum Review and Evaluation committee was set up at the University/
Campus/College levels not only to periodically assess the responsiveness and relevance of curricular
offerings but also to propose necessary revisions, and to develop and propose new relevant curricular
programs for endorsement to the University Academic Council. (University Code, Chapter IV Academic
Policies, Article I, Section 1).
All curricular programs are subjected to periodic accreditation by the proper accrediting bodies to
ensure quality and excellence of said programs. (University Code, Chapter IV Academic Policies, Article
I, Section 2).
35 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area III: The Curriculum and Instruction/BPA