Page 4 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 4
Issue 3 The Mensaist©
THE LAST From the South African president
FRANCE-AFRICA Ramaphosa, to the Nigerian one,
Buhari, passing by Rwandan and
FINANCIAL SUMMIT OF Ghanaian presidents Kagame and
PARIS: A BLATANT ACT OF Akufo-Addo, alongside many others,
FRENCH IMPERIALISM they were all in Paris last week buck
dancing to the tune of French
neocolonial domination.
There was nothing normal about that
summit. It wasn't a simple instance of
rench hegemonic manifestation of diplomatic ties
neocolonial between two allies having some
domination upon us common interests, like the lying
Black Africans was Western media have you believe.
once again on full
display just a few Our interests and those of the French
weeks ago. During another worthless are diametrically opposed, we want
and humiliating diplomatic ritual liberation, they want to keep
showing how much our leadership is oppressing us. It is as simple as that.
working hand in hand with those So why on earth would Black African
foreign imperialist forces such as leaders go to Paris to discuss a
France in their historic quest to keep so-called economic recovery with an
Black Africa subjugated. imperialist nation like France that has
made the neocolonial control of our
What I'm referring to is the so-called Motherland, her own lifeline?
France-Africa Financial Summit held
in Paris on May 18th 2021 to allow a These kinds of inconsistencies in the
smooth recovery of African behavior of Black African leaders,
economies post COVID-19. The who claim to be rulers of totally
summit has seen the participation of sovereign and independent nations,
the most emblematic leaders of our but practically act as puppets of
Continent, not just those located in foreign imperialisms might be
French speaking Africa. puzzling for many, however for us
Mensaists, there is nothing