Page 9 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 9

Opinion                                                                       The Mensaist©

                                              AFRICAN RULING ELITE

               major imperialist                 through fictitious                benefiting Black
               nations are vying                 debts.                            Africa's masses. It is
               against each other for                                              above all its lack of a
               a total control of Black          At the same time,                 great revolutionary
               African resources. We             economically the                  vision necessary to
               are living in age on the          continent is being                change the destinies of
               Black continent where             perpetually raped by              the Black continent
               the reality is: one form          powerful foreign                  that is its most
               or another of                     corporations in                   dangerous flaw.
               imperialist                       complicity with our
               domination.                       corrupt and weak
                                                 rulers who are sitting
                                                 silently witnessing the           WORMS IN THE
                                                 insane desecration of             FRUIT
                                                 Black African dignity
                                                 through this unjust
                                                 appropriation of our              Militarily speaking,
                                                 natural resources.                this is not even a
                                                                                   question anymore, so
                                                 The sad result of all             much these leaders
                                                 these imperialist                 have foolishly allowed
                                                 shenanigans of which              a plethora of foreign
                                                 the Black African                 imperialist armies to
                                                 ruling elite is clearly           occupy African lands.
                                                 complicit: an                     Thanks to them and
               Moreover, strictly                unacceptable                      their corrupt
               financially speaking,             disastrous poverty for            governments, the
               our governments are               the masses of Black               worms are now in the
               still dancing the music           Africa, contrasting               fruit...the enemies of
               of absurd submission              with some extreme                 Africa have their
               to the dangerous IMF              levels of wealth for the          armies stationed deep
               and World Bank,                   corrupt ruling elite.             inside of her.
               which have both
               devastated Black                  It is not just that our           This toxic military
               African countries and             ruling elite has a                presence of foreign
               financially enslaved              strong propensity to be           imperialist armies on
               them on a large scale             bribed for selfish                our lands, the largest
                                                 financial gains not               concentration of
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