Page 5 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 5

Issue 3                                                                      The Mensaist©


                                                                     It's not only with France that our
                 For those who recognize themselves                    leadership humiliates us both
                in my political beliefs and I, one thing            symbolically and diplomatically by
                 is clear, today's Black Africa's ruling               participating in these kinds of
                elite is a treacherous one, totally sold          summits openly aiming at reinforcing
                 out to foreign interests and working               the interests of foreign imperialist
                not for the masses of Black Africa but            nations on Black African soil. They do
                  for the imperialist enemies of the               it with all of them, China, the US, the
                Black Continent. This assertion is not                  UK...all have their "African
                based on any confused conception of                   Summits", where Black African
                   things but a clear analysis of our             leadership goes kneeling and begging.
                 present circumstances, in the age of
                            neocolonialism.                            It is never Africa initiating or
                                                                  strategically leading these summits, it
                 If what I'm saying is not true, Black               is never about reinforcing Black
                African leaders would have boycotted               African politico-economic interests
                    the summit. But they have not,                 on their homelands but always their
                because they are puppets, lacking any               selfish imperialist interests on our
                 radical vision of restoration for the            Motherland. This is both pathetic and
                Black Continent. It is not just a shame                         unacceptable!
                   for Black African problems to be
                  discussed in foreign capitals, it is             The constant diplomatic humiliation
                 more so a sign that we are living in a             of Black Africa on the world stage
                     neocolonial matrix, that our                  must be stopped. A new Black Africa
                independence is a lie, that our leaders              must come to be, one that asserts
                              are puppets.                             herself as a mighty force to be
                                                                    reckoned with globally. But that in
                This must change, we must change it,                 itself will require radical internal
                nobody else will for us. The future of               changes on the Black continent.
                 our Continent will be as bad as our
                 present reality if we do not address               We must do away with the traitors
                   the crisis of leadership that this             and puppets ruling over us today, this
                Continent is facing. Our leaders have              is inevitable. Even more importantly
                              betrayed us!                        though, neocolonialism and all forms
                                                                    of imperialist dominations must be
                                                                     crushed on Black African lands.
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