Page 10 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 10

Opinion                                                                       The Mensaist©

                                              AFRICAN RULING ELITE

               foreign military forces           Nevertheless, at a                deprived of its
               anywhere in the world             more profound level,              authentic spiritual
               constitutes in fact an            spiritually, the decay            strengths and forcibly
               existential threat to             of the Motherland is              taken over by
               our future, while the             even more terrible.               Christianity and Islam,
               failed and pathetic                                                 the massive alienation
               'African Union' is                Again, by cause of the            of our people to
               watching this alarming            spiritual blindness of            Abrahamism continue
               increase of foreign               our rulers, Black                 unabated despite its
               military troops in                Africa is still mentally          ugly consequences
               Africa in total                   enslaved to Abrahamic             such as the rise of
               indifference.                     religions, the very               Islamic violence all
                                                 religions of the                  over Black Africa or
               For me, a ruling elite            enslavers of the Black            the massive
               incapable of protecting           African people:                   enrichment of
               the people is obviously           Christianity and Islam.           Christian churches on
               a bad ruling elite.                                                 the back of Black
               However, one                      These two dangerous               African masses.
               consciously                       foreign religions have
               undermining the                   done nothing other                Black Africa is in dire
               people's security by              than causing more                 need of a spiritual
               opening the doors to              division, destruction             awakening. But how
               foreign imperialist               and a massive                     can we truly secure the
               armies is a treacherous           brainwashing of the               spiritual awakening of
               one, that has betrayed            children of Africa.               our Motherland, while
               the people. This is               Since their arrival on            she is still being led by
               exactly what we have              African lands, they               a mentally enslaved
               in Black Africa                   have always mainly                ruling elite that is also
               currently.                        been the very spiritual           behind closed doors
                                                 ideological weapons               deeply Masonic?
                                                 underlying our
                                                 material oppression as
               A MENTALLY                        a people.

               ENSLAVED                          To this day, all over             THE BIG OPEN
               RULING ELITE                      this continent that has           SECRET
                                                 been through the
                                                 vicissitudes of history,
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