Page 14 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 14
In-Depth The Mensaist©
nconspicuous to our political landscape are
most Black nothing more than some
Africans, our neo colonial constructs,
Motherland is perpetuating the divisive
at this moment legacy of the Berlin
completely conference, of which
subjected to the contemporary Black
dictatorship of the major African republics are the
powers of this world. Yet, daughters by keeping alive
contrary to what many its biggest ambition: the
would assume, what I'm everlasting political
saying is not just balkanization of our
limited to Western Motherland. In many parts of
imperialist powers which contemporary Black
have a long known Even saying that our Africa, the West with the
historical rapsheet of republics and French, the British and
exploitation and violent governments are both American
abuses against the Black corrupt and compromised are the dominant
people of Africa. But also would be an euphemism, imperialist forces calling
to Eastern ones like China since we can assert by the shots. To some extent
which is presently laying critically analyzing them, In some other parts Arab
the foundations of a future that all our states are imperialism is a reality at
imperialist takeover. more or less subjected to least culturally like in
one or more forms of Somalia, Sudan and
After centuries of imperialist domination. Mauritania. Meanwhile,
exploitation and Under the false veil of Chinese imperialist
oppression, Black Africa is independence, the African domination is slowly
now a Motherland is being growing in all regions of
shadow of her former self. poisoned by the venom of our continent. Sadly while
The so-called concept of foreign imperialism. all kinds of foreign
Black African states' imperialisms are having a
sovereignty is a joke. All field day, nowhere on the
the republics populating