Page 17 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 17
In-Depth The Mensaist©
nature, both material and WHAT IS Abraham, ultimately
spiritual. professing consciously or
unconsciously the
In truth, what too many superiority of Judaic
still fail to recognize is Judaism, Christianity and spiritual views over all
that the Arab and Islam are known as others.
European conquerors of Abrahamic religions due
the past have not just to all retracing their Unsurprisingly, as the
destroyed our kingdoms, origins to the covenant of veritable poisoned gifts of
enslaved us and stole our the Jewish god Yahweh past invasions that they
resources. They have also with the Hebrew patriarch are, these Abrahamic
deprived us of our soul, Abraham. In the Torah, religions have
our authentic spirituality Yahweh demanded from brainwashed us to a
and spiritual Abraham the sacrifice of critical point , turning us
understanding of our his only son, Isaac. into culturally alienated
physical environment, the Sacrifice to which beings on our own
very essence of our Abraham agreed. The Motherland.
civilization, which have tyrannical Torah's god
from immemorial times would later on stop While Islam was a vehicle
constituted the backbone Abraham from sacrificing of cultural and mental
of our greatness. his son for him and made submission to Arab
an alliance with him. This civilization, Christianity
How have they done so? is the founding event of played the equivalent role
Abrahamism. for Judeo-European
By imposing on us their civilization.
Abrahamic religious views However, even though
as a result the unforgiving each of these religions has
war they have waged its own particularities,
against Black African they all come from the
religions and spirituality same Judaic source.
in general. Taken collectively
Abrahamism represents
the religions of the god of