Page 19 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 19
In-Depth The Mensaist©
pragmatism of the ancient
We must reject what is Africans. Not the god of
At this historical stage of literally a false god, that Israel or the god of the
high importance, when can't do anything for Arabs. We will go nowhere
the land of our ancestors Africa. We must become as long as we continue
is being exploited and our own saviors and viewing the devil in us and
subjugated by the major struggle with all our might god in others.
powers of this world with for our liberation. Instead
our own ruling elite's of hoping for a better life
complicity. Black Africans in the afterlife, I believe in
are still spiritually creating through a
enslaved to Islam and revolutionary struggle a
Christianity, the very paradise on earth with the
religions of our historical greatest gift of nature that
oppressors. the providence has given
us: Africa. Picture by Andrew Hall, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
This must not be accepted
nor tolerated, Black Africa
cannot do without a A war of ideas must be Based on the above, we
spiritual awakening. We waged against the god of must come to the
must regain our spiritual Abraham in the mind of conclusion that a true
independence, that's the the Black African people struggle for Black African
only way for us to be fully in order to put an end to liberation cannot happen
free again. this insane indoctrination without encompassing the
of catastrophic collapse of the reign of
The god of Abraham will consequences. Christianity and Islam in
not save us. Black Africa, as one of its
He didn't save us during Figuratively and literally, most historic purpose.
the worst and most brutal if a god has to rule in
pages of our history. To Africa, it must be the true The rise of Abrahamic
the contrary, he was being God of the universe as religions in Black Africa
shoved down our throats explained in the spiritual corresponded to the fall of
by our very oppressors. teachings and spiritual our continent into the