Page 22 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 22
Let’s Talk About it The Mensaist©
rom May 9th Israel must operate due to
through May First of all, shall I its supremacist Zionist
20th 2021, the reiterate that all living ideology, generally result
Gaza strip was beings, all nations on this in violence. Israel's cruel
under assault planet have the right to behavior, its occupation of
by the state of self defense, self Palestine and its constant
Israel. As determination and self brutalization and
usual, during their latest preservation? The Jewish oppression of Palestinians
offensive on Gaza, the state has no special rights are in last resort the root
Jewish state has killed a over the Palestinians, or cause of all this.
disproportionate amount any other nation on earth
of civilians including to defend itself, that
many children, while even doesn't apply to others.
targeting the press by Palestine, as much as
bombing the AP building Israel, has this
in Gaza. With the blessing unalienable right.
of the Americans and the
West, and despite the Secondly, the last
whinings of other world outbreak of violence in the
actors, Israel has once Middle East between Picture from Al Jazeera’s video, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
again demonstrated to the Israel and Palestine was Before 1948 and becoming
whole world that it is caused by the efforts of a state, Israel was first and
indeed a brutal colonial Israel to evict Palestinian foremost a project, a
state that will never stop families from the Sheikh Zionist one, aiming at
brutalizing Palestine. Jarrah neighborhood of securing Palestine as a
Jerusalem to move in homeland for the Jewish
The Jewish state claimed Jewish settlers and the people. Since Palestine
incessantly in the media entrance in Al Aqsa was inhabited by Arabs, it
that it had launched its mosque by Israeli security was from the beginning a
offensive on Gaza because forces to brutalized project of dispossession, it
of rockets fired from Gaza worshippers who were was all about giving to
by Hamas. Listening to gathered inside. These two what was then a landless
prime minister Netanyahu major events led to the people, an inhabited land.
and other Israeli officials bloody escalation that we Which thanks to British
it was as if Israel was saw. imperialism was done,
merely defending itself, with force. Force that is
with the mantra of "Israel Egregious systems like still being used today all
right to self defense" being colonization and over Palestine against the
repeated over and over to apartheid, the very Palestinian people in all
shape the narrative. systems under which occupied territories.