Page 18 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 18

In-Depth                                                                     The Mensaist©



                                               self segregating and            like neocolonialism be
                                               violent religious ideology,     eradicated if Black
                                               glorifying a selfish,           Africa is to be fully
                                               vengeful and tyrannical         liberated and secure her
                                               god.                            rightful place of
                                                                               leadership among
                                               Seeing the destructive          mankind.
                                               effects of Islam and

               “Abuja National Mosque” by Chiraz Chakera, is licensed under CC BY-SA  Christianity, that have led  Black Africa is in spiritual
                                               to so much bloodshed, so        bondage and will remain
                                               much division and               in it as long as the Black
                                               alienation on the Black         Africans will in their vast
               Under Abrahamic                 Continent. It is clear that a majority believe in the god
               religions Black Africans        sincere struggle for            of Abraham.
               have been divided, one          liberation in Black Africa
               against the other in the        must unapologetically           Christianity and Islam
               name of a bloodthirsty          holds as a fundamental          have been some of the
               foreign god. Up until now,      conception the                  most destructive and
               innocent Black Africans         recognition of Christianity disruptive forces that have
               are still losing their lives    and Islam for what they         ever manifested itself in
               due to the dangerous            are: some dangerous             the history of Black Africa.
               teachings of Islam and          foreign doctrines, that         Not just because they are
               Christianity.                   have and are still playing a drenched in Black African
                                               major role in the general       blood but above all
               But how else could it have      oppression and the mental because they are for us
               been? Abrahamic                 enslavement of the Black        nothing other than
               religions are extremely         race in Africa and the          ideological poisons, used
               violent not simply because diaspora.                            yesterday to justify the
               history proves it, but                                          enslavement and
               because their followers         They therefore represent        exploitation of Black
               are brainwashed through         the very spiritual              Africans, and today to
               their holy books to             foundations of Black            perpetuate the mental
               embrace an exclusionary,        oppression that must also       enslavement of our race.
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