Page 23 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 23
Let’s Talk About it The Mensaist©
state violating the human we can only stand with
rights of Palestinians on a Palestine and oppose the
daily basis . racist, supremacist and
Israel has grown in size Zionist state of Israel. This
tremendously through the The global world order is a moral duty of ours, a
decades, in total violation and its institutions are natural outcome of our
and disregard of totally biased against the own tragic history with
international law. Illegally masses of the Third world, colonialism and our
seizing and occupying it's all about the interests experience with the
more and more of the wicked imperialist Jewish State which we
Palestinian territories West and its Zionist ally. must never forget was one
with its army and hordes Certain nations are of the staunchest
of settlers backed by allowed to violate the supporters of apartheid
American weapons and rights of others in the South Africa, Israel has
money. It has committed name of their selfish sterilized Black women
and is still committing all interests while facing no without their consent,
kinds of violence against repercussions, the Israel has treated Black
Palestinians. It is an unchecked atrocious Black African immigrants
apartheid state according behavior of Israel, is but as undesirable. The
to many human rights an indication of this disdain for the rights of
organizations. assertion. We are living in Palestinians is to some
times of high injustices extent similar with the bad
The reckless and worldwide, the plight of way in which Israel has
oppressive actions of Palestine is the plight of treated Black Africans.
Israel towards Palestine all oppressed peoples of
say more about the moral the Third world.
bankruptcy of the present I believe the oppressed
global world order, than peoples of the third world
the brutal nature of the must stand together in
Jewish state itself, a order to fight back against
country run by far right the attempts of the powers
zealots who believe the of this world to keep them
land was given to them by under control. Third
god 2000 years ago, Israel Defense Forces, by Sgt. (Res.) Abir Sultan, is licensed under CC world solidarity in
BY-SA 3.0
thereby clothing this liberation struggles is the
bloody colonial project in Especially, for us Black principle under which, I
divine outfits. Western Africans who have been primarily conceive the
powers are hypocritical colonized and have struggle of the Palestinian
for talking about human experienced the brutality people against Israel's
rights while supporting a of such repressive system, occupation.