Page 15 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 15

In-Depth                                                                     The Mensaist©



               Black continent is              ability to conceal foreign      deficient political
               sovereignty and freedom         domination behind the           constructs that we call our
               for the masses of our           mask of national                countries.
               people truly a reality.         sovereignty.
                                                                               Nevertheless, it is
               In fact, if we can logically    Even the blind can see that important to keep in mind
               agree with Kwame                nothing has really              that even though
               Nkrumah when he                 changed since the               neocolonialism in Black
               claimed that the last stage     colonization era. Our           Africa is a historical
               of imperialism is indeed        future is still being           continuation of
               Neocolonialism. It would        decided in foreign              colonization and the
               be either very silly or even capitals, our wealth               destruction of Black
               dishonest to deny that          exploited for the benefit of African sovereignty, It
               Black Africa is presently       foreign powers. Our             necessitates, contrary to
               trapped in a neocolonial        Motherland is still             the latter,
               reality that has                balkanized according to         the establishment of a
               historically succeeded to       the logic of the Berlin         corrupt local ruling elite
               the era of colonization.        conference and the will of      totally subjected and
                                               Western imperialism. The        subservient to imperialist
               Yes it is true that most        only thing that has             powers.
               Black African republics         changed, is that our
               existing presently have all     ongoing subjugation is          In point of fact, if Black
               officially obtained their       perpetuated behind the          Africa is now so exploited
               independence at some            facade of our so called         economically, and
               point in the previous           independence.                   silenced politically on the
               decades, they all have                                          world scene, it is because
               their constitutions and         Neocolonialism is the           our leaders are in
               national governments. But great political ill of our            majority working in one
               this is nothing more than       time, that has created the      way or another for the
               the clear expression and        conditions of the               imperialist enemies of the
               determining specificity of      proliferation on the Black      Motherland. Or at the very
               Neocolonialism as a             continent of the weak           least because they are too
               system of oppression, its       states and profoundly
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