Page 11 - The Mensaist, Issue 3
P. 11

Opinion                                                                       The Mensaist©

                                              AFRICAN RULING ELITE

               It is truly the big open          uniquely that it was
               secret of modern                  brought upon us by                The path to freedom,
               African politics that             our colonizers and                sovereignty and
               the Black African                 oppressors as another             unification is actually
               ruling elite has strong           poisonous gift. It is             the path of dissidence
               ties to freemasonry,              principally that it acts          and total opposition to
               this extremely                    as a powerful extra               the Trojan horses, the
               secretive anti- African           layer of control. One of          internal enemies of the
               organisation, that has            inconspicuous mighty              people: the Black
               infiltrated us for at             esoteric nature                   African ruling elite.
               least the last three              through which Black
               centuries.                        Africa is kept in                 For far too long, the
                                                 shackles.                         Black African people
               Freemasonry has                                                     have been too scared to
               subverted the Black               The forces of                     claim what it rightfully
               continent through the             freemasonry have been             deserves. Too many of
               control it has on our             able to achieve the               our brothers and
               ruling elite. Judging by          subversion of our                 sisters have been so
               the fact that many                Motherland, by puting             brainwashed that they
               Black African leaders;            their agents at the               are now convinced that
               government                        head of many                      all we deserve is the
               personalities; religious          neocolonial African               constant desecration
               and traditional leaders           republics, continental            of Black African
               alike are publicly                institutions and other            dignity, under the
               known to be its                   high positions of                 guidance of an unfit
               notorious agents.                 responsibilities.                 leadership.

               What many are clearly             PERORATION                        For me, these times of
               oblivious to, is that this                                          injustices are over
               modern oppressed                  It should be clear to             with. The insane
               Black Africa and her              anyone by now, that as            normalization of
               republics, is at the very         long as the current               oppression is over.
               top, heavily controlled           Black African                     We will not let our
               by freemasonry.                   bourgeoisie                       precious Black Africa
                                                 comprador will still be           be trapped within the
               However, my problem               ruling, the Black                 cage of oppression any
               with Freemasonry in               continent will never be           longer. A new era of
               Black Africa, is not              free.                             freedom and liberty
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