Page 23 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 23
Problems of Discipline
In some cases, the problem is of discipline, procrastination and laziness.
People having such a problem are unable to control their lives, but allow
others and circumstances to do that. The key, therefore, is self-discipline.
Improving Self Discipline
Self-discipline separates us from our ancestors and the animal kingdom.
Rather than responding to immediate impulses, we can plan, we can evalu-
ate alternative actions, and can refrain from doing things that we will regret.
We can also take advantage of these innately human abilities by developing
wisdom and willpower. Self-disciplined people do not allow their choices to
be dictated by impulses or feelings. Instead, they make informed, rational
decisions on a daily basis without feeling overly stressed or upset. Self dis-
cipline is a learned behaviour. It requires practice and repetition. Some
important tips to improve self-discipline are discussed below.
Remove Temptations to Improve Self Discipline
Removing all temptations and distractions from your environment is a cru-
cial first step when working to improve your discipline. If you are trying to
have better control of your eating, do not have junk food near you.