Page 24 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 24

 Habit Formation to Improve Self Discipline

            When a behaviour becomes a habit, we do not have to exert our will power

            but start acting on reflex. Therefore, breaking a bad habit and building a new

            habit not only requires you to make active decisions, it is out of your comfort

            zone. Your brain will resist the change in favour of what it has been pro-

            grammed to do. Acknowledge that it will take a while for your new regime to

            feel right or good or natural. Persevere-it will happen!

            Schedule breaks, treats, and rewards

            Self discipline does not mean that your new regimen needs to be drill ser-

            geant-like in execution. In fact, giving yourself zero wiggle room often results

            in failures, disappointments, and giving into your old ways. While practicing

            self control, schedule specific breaks, treats, and rewards. Dieting? Designate

            Saturday as ice cream day. If you are studying hard then take recreational

            breaks and a weekly off. Self discipline can be hard. Reward your effort.

            Forgive yourself and move forward

            Instituting a new way of living to improve self discipline will not always go

            according to plan. You will have ups and downs. The key is to keep moving

            forward. When you have a setback, acknowledge what caused it and move

            on. It is easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emo-

            tions will not help build self discipline. Instead, use the hiccups in your plan

            as learning experiences for the future. Forgive yourself, and move on. The

            longer you take a break from disciplined life, the harder it becomes to get

            back to it!

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