Page 29 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 29
As a child you did not agree with what your friends were doing but you went
along because you did not want to annoy them.You often feel controlled by
your friends and family.You often perform tasks at work place which you
should not be. It takes a toll on your family life and you are not left with any
time, or energy to invest in personal growth.You are unable to say, “No” to
people.Your problem is not unique. It affects your self-esteem and self-confi-
dence. You are constantly being run over by people. You need to be more as-
sertive. The good news is that you can become more assertive. It will, howev-
er, take time. The change cannot be affected by superficial behaviour, or
What is Assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident but not
being aggressive. You. respect your rights and views. You express them clear-
ly. You respect the rights and views of others equally. You do not allow others
to ignore your rights and views.
First Step to Becoming Assertive
The vital first step to becoming assertive is to build self-confidence and self-
esteem. This is the essential base on which assertive behaviour can be built
upon. Do not believe the short cut approach being promoted in self help and