Page 92 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 92

2) He was on his way to home and suddenly it started raining heavily? He

            ran fast and reached home.

            3) You are an officer posted at the border and suddenly shelling happens

            from  the  other  side,  you  will  order  troops  to  stay  in  shell-proof

            bunkers, inform the CO and request for counter shelling.

            4) You are in an unknown city and lost your purse. You need money. As a

            stranger  how  will  u  manage?  I  will  ask  my  parents  to  send  money

            through PayTm.

            5) Your brother wants to get admission in a medical college but his marks fall

            short  by  1%  for  admission.  You’ll  ask  him  to  try  in  other  colleges

            where his marks are within cut-off.

            6) You have to go to a city with cash to work but the way is dangerous as da-

            coits. How will u manage to go? I will avoid carrying cash and use the

            credit card.

            7) He was traveling by train and suddenly a person snatches purse from lady

            and jumps out of train. He pulls chain, jumps down and catches the

            criminal, recover purse and handover criminal to police.

            8) You are going to sign a contract suddenly u got news that one of your

            friend who had helped you once met an accident and is in ICU.You’ll sign

            the contract and then go to the hospital to meet a friend.

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