Page 95 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 95
24) During d exams his teacher threatened him to fail in examination. He
prepared and performed well and ignored the empty threat.
25) You are getting late in reaching meeting. You would inform the or-
ganiser and reach at the earliest.
SRT Samples Considered Difficult
There are quite a few SRT samples which are considered as difficult or ‘tricky’
by aspirants. One of my students has compiled them and I have written the
responses as a guide.
Sample Responses
1. He receives conflicting orders from his two superior officers. He went
to his immediate reporting officer and told him the conflicting
order received from the other senior and after clarification
obeyed the order.
2. He was going to attend SSB interview. On reaching the Railway Station
he noticed that his suitcase has been stolen with his original certifi-
cates needed at SSB. He immediately lodged an FIR, went back
and got the original certificates from the college and then at-
tended SSB.
3. While he was traveling on his scooter, someone at gunpoint demand-
ed his purse. He rammed the scooter into him, took his gun and
lodged FIR against the criminal.