Page 96 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 96
4. He was going on a bicycle in thick jungle. It was already dark and his
destination was 10 Km away. His cycle got punctured. He walked
with the cycle to destination.
5. He is new in the city. Suddenly he noticed that all his items were
stolen. He had no money in his pocket. He got money from home
through PAYTM, lodged FIR and managed.
6. He observed a Cobra was approaching his brother who was sleeping in
a room at night. He struck the Cobra on the head and killed it
with one stroke.
7. He was in a NCC Camp. While on guard duty at mid night , he observed
a person crossing the fence and getting in. He challenged him and
the person ran away.
8. While negotiating a forest with his friend, his friend lost consciousness
due to exhaustion. He gave him water, made him recover, rested
a little and continued walking.
9. He was caught alone at night by thugs who demanded all valuables on
him while he was unarmed. He, being an athlete, ran away and
could not be caught.
10.While crossing a jungle, he observed that a tiger was standing just 10
yards from him. He quietly and quickly climbed a tree.
11.While going through a jungle, he noticed that someone was following
him with a rifle. He joined him and they walked together.