P. 10
• Avoid using vehicles that eject a lot of harmful emissions into the
atmosphere. Switch to cycles or e-bikes for transport. Use public
transport wherever possible.
Quick facts about global warming
• Most of the records of high temperatures have been broken in this century
with 2016 being the hottest year after 1880.
• There has been a rise of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the global average
temperature from the 20th century.
• The ice coverage over the Arctic sea has reduced by 4.1 percent since
• Sea levels are increasing at a rate of 3.4 mm per year, highest in the past
2000 years.
• Coral reefs like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia are extremely sensitive
to climatic changes. They have been damaged severely due to bleaching
leading to the death of almost 2/3rd of its total extent.
• There has been a reduction in pH of ocean water by 0.1, making it acidic.
• Temperature changes are likely to be as high as 6 degrees by 2100.
• 25 to 35 percent of the wildlife is on the verge of being listed as
endangered species.
Conclusion: No matter how much you close your eyes and ears and go on with
your life, global warming is something that will affect everyone eventually. Being
a resident of this planet, it should be your endeavour to save your home from
losing its stature of a habitable one and pave a better future for the generations
to come. Fight global warming now.
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