P. 9

        A lot of evidence suggests that global warming has affected our planet in the worst
        way possible over the past decade. The amount of carbon dioxide emission has
        almost doubled and is the highest over the past 800,000 years. This drastic climatic
        change will be disastrous for natural vegetation, the natural habitat of wildlife, alter
        the natural crop cycles and will spread diseases. There have been warning signs of
        an alarming rise in sea-level over the past few years and is threatening a number of
        coastal lands to be submerged. The climatic change will also turn the planet into a
        hub for a number of infectious diseases and parasitic infestation. Some places will
        become too hot and inhabitable, causing a mass migration of people leading to a
        refugee crisis. A lot of animals are dependent on the Arctic region for its survival, like
        the  arctic  birds,  the  ringed  seals,  walrus,  lemmings,  tundra  hares,  whales,  polar
        bears, muskoxen etcetera and their numbers are dwindling at a faster rate, pushing
        them closer to the verge of extinction. All these scenarios  are not something that
        should be taken lightly.

        How to reduce global warming

        Though global warming happens on a broader aspect, you can contribute in bringing
        down the negative effects of it by addressing its root cause and trying to rectify that.
        Few methods to reduce global warming as an individual are-

               •  Say  no  to  deforestation-  Trees  absorb and  store  carbon  dioxide  and
                   gives out fresh oxygen to breathe, therefore, it is apt that an effort is made
                   to save them. Rapid deforestation has become very common now, mainly
                   to  convert  forests into lands  for  business  profits.  You  should  stand  up
                   against  this  by  spreading  the  idea  of  the  importance  of  trees  and
               •  Plant trees- Another way of counteracting deforestation is planting trees
                   wherever possible. The life of every tree is important, so every tree you
                   plant, you are working towards making the planet a better place to live.
               •  Use  the  renewable  source  of  energy-  There  are  enough  renewable
                   sources of energy around you which can be utilised smartly for various
                   purpose while reducing the need to burn fossil fuels. These fossil fuels
                   emit an increased amount of carbon dioxide which directly contributes to
                   global  warming.  Renewable  resources  like  wind,  solar  energy,  water
                   etcetera should be harvested efficiently.

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