P. 3
Often when we think of joining the armed forces, images of us wearing the respective uniforms
and leading men and machine into battle come to our minds. Daydreams aside, in reality, a full
battle load including an assault rifle comes up to at least 20 kg. Couple this up with long range
movements in challenging terrains like the heights of Kargil and deserts of Rajasthan, and you
come up with numerous situations that take a considerable physical and mental toll on you. Now,
imagine doing all of this and still be required to make important decisions about the men and
machines under your command and coming up with ingenious solutions to the trickiest of
problems just in the nick of time. That’s the life you should think about. That’s the life you should
be prepared for. Therefore, to be in your peak physical condition is not an option, but a
requirement. This is to be ensured not just for your successful entry into the defence services, but
also for a successful career as a soldier thenceforth.
This book is divided into two sections. Section 1 provides guidance to give you a holistic and
practical understanding of what to do and how to do to make yourself fit. There are simple-to-
follow instructions which, if followed diligently and consistently, will bear results. Section 2 of this
book deals with the clearing of doubts regarding medical examination that comes after SSB
recommendation. It is hoped that this will help you move closer to you realising your dreams. Jai