P. 5

Chapter 1

                                             Why Regular Exercise?

            For those planning on joining the armed forces, it’s a no-brainier that regular exercise is a must.
            But what if you don’t? What if your career interest lies elsewhere? Should you even bother? Yes.
            And here is why.

            • Improve cognitive ability.

            • Improve discipline. Often exercise is the first major activity of the day. Regularity in it brings a
              great sense of discipline and organisation to life.

            • Stress  buster.  Exercise  is  a  great  stress  buster  and  uplifts  our  mood.  It  has  great  all  round

            • Improve  confidence.  A  sense  of  wellbeing  and  regularity  in  life  increases  our  sense  of  self
              control and boosts confidence.

            • Improve will power. When a person strives to test the limits of strength or endurance, he has to
              undergo pain. This improves tolerance and willpower. Exercising can thus be used to improve
              our willpower and determination.

            • Reduce chances of falling ill. Regular exercise improves our immune system. We expel toxins
              from our body and become healthier.

            • Better sleep and memory. Regular exercise improves our sleep and memory.

            • Improve stress tolerance. Regular exercising results in lowered BP and pulse rate, (top long
              distance runners generally have pulse rates in 40s per minute). When experiencing stress our
              pulse rate and BP shoots up. Unfit people can get a stroke under stress. A person with well
              trained heart and lungs is unlikely to do so. He will remain calmer under stress, because of the
              intimate relationship between the psychological and physiological functions of the body.

            • Increase energy. Regular exercising enhances our energy level to perform all our chores. We
              can perform more in lesser time. We can, thus, read more, work more, and get more time to rest
              as well. We, thus, become more efficient.

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