Page 19 - WMPF Federation June-July2018-flip_Neat
P. 19

address. We are yet to be completely   Federation to encourage officers to be
       convinced that they have fully resolved   co-operative at an early stage since it
       that or fully understand the implications   made a huge difference.
       of the case to answer decisions or long      “The new IOPC will do all it can to
       time delays have for all our officers that   improve timeliness and quality but in the
       are involved in investigations. The recent   case of the former we are not the only   sanctioned because of a genuine mistake
       decisions on the Sean Rigg case in the Met   players in the system and we need your   which could be better dealt with as an
       after a 10-year wait and the Thomas   help and support from others,” he said.  opportunity to learn and improve.
       Orchard case in Devon and Cornwall after      A former council chief executive, he   However, the line between mistake and
       nearly six years cause us huge concern.”  said he had been listening and learning   misconduct is not clearly drawn. Many of
          And he made it clear he was expecting   from people within the IOPC but also   those I have spoken to have supported the
       Mr Lockwood to tackle this: “The ball is   Federation members and other   need for an improved approach to
       now firmly in your court. Our 120,000 plus   stakeholders. As an organisation, he   addressing unsatisfactory performance
       police officers up and down the country   argued, the IOPC would be impartial and   within the police, so that mistakes and
       are looking to you to prove that if they’re   follow where evidence led it but that he   poor performance are recognised and
       investigated they will be treated fairly,   wanted to build up confidence within the   treated as such – and the disciplinary
       proportionately and a lot quicker by your   system. The IOPC is not the judge and jury   route is focussed on the most serious
       organisation than they have been in the   but was about accountability in the police   matters,” the director general told
       past.”                              service.                             delegates.
          In his responding address, the director      He wanted his staff to understand      But he added: “We will not always
       general responded to the title of the   what it means to be a firearms officer, a   agree and the IOPC will not always be
       session, explaining: “Changing from the   police driver, a custody sergeant or a   popular but I hope that an unwavering
       IPCC to the IOPC will not just be about a   constable on the beat to make them more   focus on impartiality, combined with
       new logo but a new strategy and a new   effective and insightful in their work and   better listening and improved
       approach; one that I hope will be   more aware of the context in which   relationships with communities, and
       respected on all sides of the policing   decisions are made.             yourselves will help us earn respect from
       debate.”                               While officers who committed the   all sides even in disagreement.”
          Improvements were needed, with one   worst misconduct are not fit to wear the      The session included an input from
       of his priorities being to tackle the   police uniform and damage the good   Thea Walton, head of knowledge and
       problem of lengthy investigations. He   name of the majority of brave and   oversight at IOPC, who outlined how the
       pointed out: “We need to be better as an   committed officers, he did not want   organisation gathered and responded to
       organisation and a number of changes are   officers pursued for making a mistake   feedback.
       already underway to speed up our    under pressure.                         It concluded with a question and
       processes.”                            “Like you, I don’t want to see officers   answer session involving delegates.
          He highlighted improvements that had
       already been made in terms of timeliness,      Changing from the IPCC to the IOPC will
       roughly one third of cases had been closed
       in six months, and around two thirds           not just be about a new logo but a new
       within a year, for the first time more cases
       had been closed than opened and case           strategy and a new approach; one that I
       closures were up by more than 60 per
       cent.                             “ hope will be respected on all sides of the
          “We are getting quicker,” he told
       conference, but conceded that some             policing debate.
       legacy cases were complex, and also said                                           “
       that it was about the quality of
       investigations not just speediness.
          Mr Lockwood also urged the
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