Page 20 - WMPF Federation June-July2018-flip_Neat
P. 20

Federation seeks national

       policy on fatigue to tackle

       ‘burnt out’ officers

                                            such as shift work and interrupted sleep      Jayne described a trip back to her home
                                            patterns.”                           force of West Mercia to see for herself the
                                               In addition to shifts, extended work days,   effects of fatigue on officers.
                                            working at times of the day when you      “They are telling me how frequently they
                                            should be sleeping, and then sleeping at   are called in early and off late, and how
                                            times when we are naturally most alert,   many rest days they are having cancelled.
                                            contrary to the Circadian sleep pattern   They were saying quite openly ‘we are
                                            rhythm, working on rest days when you   knackered’, ‘we are burnt out’ and they feel
                                            should be recovering and preparing for your   that they can’t provide the service to the
                                            next shift, would all take their toll.  public they want to,” says Jayne.
                                               Under the current doing more with less      She added: “This is unacceptable. It is no
                                            reality of policing, there were staffing issues   wonder that people are off sick because they
                                            such as single crewing, the pressure to do   know when they come back, they will be in
                                            longer hours, unrealistic time pressures,   exactly the same position they were before
                                            unachievable deadlines and leave requests   they went off.”
                                            being refused, all of which led to higher      The panel, which also included Adrian
                                            workloads and police officer fatigue and   Smiles from the Police Federation’s health
                                            stress.                              and safety sub-committee, agreed that
                                               This, in turn, lowered morale, had an   management needed to provide officers
                                            effect on wellbeing and created more   with the tools to help them get good levels
                                            sickness and absenteeism, creating a vicious   of sleep and rest.
                                            circle.                                 Issues were raised around officers taking
                                               The long-term effects, he explained,   work home with them and working on
                                            could include injury and serious illness with   annual leave just to catch up with their
       Jayne Willetts, the Police Federation’s roads   higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol   workload. They were booking leave off work
       policing lead.
                                            leading to obesity, cardiovascular conditions   instead of admitting occupational health
            he detrimental effects of fatigue on   and diabetes.                 problems.
            the performance of police officers      Jayne Willetts, the Police Federation’s      Jayne and Adrian said the Federation was
       Twere laid bare during conference.   roads policing lead, said fatigue levels   now planning to promote awareness around
          The Federation set out plans to push for   among officers were getting so bad that   the causes of fatigue and around the legal
       a national policy on fatigue and make forces   action needed to be taken immediately.  requirements for forces. They said there
       across the country aware of their       “People are shattered before they go out   should be a shared responsibility from both
       responsibility towards trying to alleviate the   for work,” she said, “We need to ask senior   individuals and organisations to tackle the
       problem of ‘burnt out’ officers.     officers: ‘what are you doing to support your   situation.
          With the police service stretched to the   officers out there’?           Members are being encouraged to look
       limit and recent media reports of thousands      “This is the elephant in the room and we   out for the Federation’s demand, capacity
       of rest days being cancelled across all forces,   need to be aware of it. We can’t carry on the   and welfare survey which will be issued in
       guest speaker Dr Paul Jackson from the   way we are because we will have a burnt out   the summer in a bid to get an accurate
       Transport Research Laboratory, a     police force. Other industries have   assessment of officers’ views on these issues.
       psychologist specialising in fatigue risk   recognised the importance of addressing      The results of this year’s survey will be
       management, said officer fatigue was ‘too   this issue and it must be mirrored in   analysed and compared to a similar survey
       important an issue to ignore’.       policing. Something has to be done, and it   two years ago.
          Addressing the conference floor during   has to be done now.”
       the ‘Fatigue in our Forces’ session, Dr Jackson   We are not talking about police officers
       said: “Fatigue can result in reduced alertness,
       procedural errors and impairment in risk  “
       perception.                                     feeling a bit tired, what we are dealing
          “We are not talking about police officers
       feeling a bit tired, what we are dealing with   with is officers reaching the point that
       is officers reaching the point that their
       decision-making could be impaired.              their decision-making could be
          “Fatigued people don’t follow the rules
       but they do have their judgement affected       impaired.
       and a fatigued person is more likely to make                                 “
       mistakes. All of this can be exacerbated by
       operational demands placed upon officers
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