Page 23 - WMPF Federation June-July2018-flip_Neat
P. 23

LOANS  Protecting our streets:

       Does stop and search


 PCU is the financial    reduce knife crime?

 services alternative  Former gang member says officers need to

                                                                                  OUR  R EP  SAY S :
 Helping you    understand the communities they police                            “For some time, I was involved

                                                                                  in Force in the debate about
             n address by a former
 to manage    A a fascinating back-drop                                           disproportionality and its impact in
             gang member provided
                                                                                  certain communities. I am aware
                                                                                  that in recent times there have
       for a break-out session asking if
                                                                                  been voices saying we have lost the
       stop and search reduced knife
 your finances  crime.                                                            streets due to the lack of stop and
                                                                                  search. I was interested to hear the

          Sheldon Thomas spoke
                                                                                  thoughts of my national colleagues
       from experience, when
       addressing the national Police                                             on this matter. Additionally, I was
       Federation conference in                                                   ground commander during the
       Birmingham, outlining the                                                  initial phases of the stabbing death
                                                                                  in Sutton Coldfield and knife crime
 How we help our members  mindset of a gang member.                               is also a live topic in the community
          He has since moved on to

    †  launch Gangsline – a helpline                                             I hail from.
 Loan repayments deducted from payroll
                                                                                    “I thought the speakers were

       and prevention service for
      anyone involved in gang                                                    all relevant and seemed to have a
 Handled in-house by experienced staff
                                                                                  cohesive message, engagement,
         He also lectures, advises                                               community and out of this will come
 The rate you see is the rate you pay
                                                                                  intelligence that will make stop
      and consults police forces and                                             and search a power that will be
 Not-for-profit mutual set up by the police
       governments and his insight
 Call 0121 700 1222   for the law enforcement family  could be very useful for a force   effective when applied lawfully and
       battling rising violent crime in                                           proportionately.
 Email      areas of the country.                          “Sheldon Thomas explained that
 Life cover on savings and loans at no
 extra cost *     At the seminar entitled                                         the stop and search debate has
 /  @police_cu  ‘Protecting our Streets – Does                           moved away from blame to what
       stop search reduce knife crime?’                                           can we do to ensure the power is
 With more than 91% of people reporting   Sheldon spoke of the need for           effective today as if it is not effective
                                                                                  as a preventative tool it becomes
 Start your savings off with a    health problems from debt , perhaps we can   society to change and for   part of the problem. Stop and search
       communities to take their fair
 help you if you are looking to consolidate
                                                                                  is not the whole solution.
       share of responsibility for
 £10 BONUS!  your credit card balances or any other   reducing violent crime.  Sheldon Thomas, former gang member.    questions and, in the most part, they
                                                                                    “Delegates were able to ask

          Having been shot at four
 existing credit into one easy repayment.
                                                                                  were relevant. One question was
       times in a London nightclub in
 Enter PROMO18 on your online   Take advantage of our 30 years of dedicated   the 1970s, he outlined how the issues   insisted those officers had to fully   about the legalisation of drugs as this
                                                                                  is a driver for a lot of street-related
                                           understand the communities they policed.
       surrounding violent crime were complex and
 application **  service and call into your local branch or visit   said both families and communities had a      And those police had to be properly   knife crime. This put speakers on
                                                                                  the back foot but they were able to  strong part to play in dealing with the   resourced and funded if they were to truly   answer in a limited fashion.
       situation. He explained how their
                                           tackle the current issues.
       involvement could change current attitudes      Other speakers during the session      “This break-out was topical and
       as particularly knife crime takes a dramatic   included the Federation’s operational   relevant. I thought speakers were
       increase.                           policing lead, Simon Kempton, and Roger   well balanced and, if possible,
          He believed that many of society’s   Pegram, vice-chair of the Society of   this would be a topic that could be
 FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR THOSE WHO SERVE & PROTECT  problems exacerbated the situation, like   Evidence-Based Policing.  addressed at Force level to bring
 POLICE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Head Office, Guardians House, 2111 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3EA   poor mental health and the on-going      Everyone agreed that the much   into training days.  Some input and
       difficulties faced by drug selling and drug   discussed issue of stop and search had a role   discussion would be interesting to see
 † (where available)  ‡ Interviewed by the Legal Services. Loans subject to status, conditions and credit checks to members aged 18 or over. **Terms and conditions apply.   use among inner-city populations.  to play in reducing violent crime and that it   what the feelings are on the ground.”
 Please visit for details. *Life Insurance is offered subject to conditions including a six month pre-existing limitation. For full terms and conditions about the      Sheldon said the police could play a huge   was a tactic that should always be deployed   West Midlands representative
 policy, please contact Police Credit Union or visit the PCU website. Police Credit Union is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. The Scheme guarantees   part in tackling the problems at source but   at the right time and place.  Winston Christie
 to pay 100% up to a maximum £85,000 of savings, should the Credit Union fail. Police Credit Union Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
 by the Financial Conduct Authority & the Prudential Regulation Authority (Registered No 213306).                                                 federation June/July 2018     23
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