Page 14 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 14

Tom Cuddeford implores delegates at the
       national Police Federation conference in
       2014 to support all the recommendations
       from Sir David Normington’s independent
       review in one of the most critical decisions
       in the organisation’s history.

                                                                                 a PC a year later.
                                                                                    But, while he joined to help others and
                                                                                 was attracted by the variety of roles within
                                                                                 the profession, it could have been very
       Policing: an  different. He had already been accepted as a
       absolutely                                                                Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton.
                                                                                 trainee Registered General Nurse at New

                                                                                   He recalls: “However, when the police
                                                                                 cadet job offer came in, literally a few days
                                                                                 later, that was it, I was destined to become a
                                                                                 career police officer.”
       unique role                                                                 side of his make-up still shone through in his
                                                                                   Nonetheless, the caring and nurturing
                                                                                 policing career and was instrumental in him
                                                                                 taking an active role in the Police Federation
                                                                                 for the last 10 years through which he could
                                                                                 offer support and understanding to
                                                                                 colleagues experiencing tough times in their
            hirty-one years after joining the Force   accountable, however, I do have concerns   own careers.
            as a cadet, West Midlands Police   that these demands place considerable      Through a career of 30 plus years, Tom
       TFederation chair Tom Cuddeford will   pressure and stress on fellow colleagues.   has seen massive changes within the
       soon clock off for the last time as he retires   When things go wrong it appears that it’s   policing service but sees one of the biggest
       in April.                            the Federated members who suffer rather   as the shift in the nature of the camaraderie
          And while he has many happy memories   than infrastructure and officers of higher   among colleagues.
       of his time as a police officer and a   ranks.                               “Instead of large shifts and people
       Federation representative, he is aware that      “Meanwhile, the Police Federation of   supporting each other, it is far more smaller
       he leaves the Force – and the Federation – at   England and Wales is continuing the reform   groups of people, with more specific roles to
       a pivotal time.                      process following Sir David Normington’s   perform. There are pros and cons for this and
          “The Force, just like the rest of the police   independent review and we are now   the loss of 2,000 officers in our Force has
       service is feeling the effects of the cuts in   working our way through the long-awaited   also had some impact on this,” says Tom.
       terms of reduced officer numbers – with no   local and national elections under the new      “To some extent the change in crimes i.e.
       corresponding drop in demand – but we are   regulations.”                 cyber/internet fraud and the increased
       also seeing the effects of increased      Tom’s policing career began when he   threat of terrorism has also had a major
       accountability,” says Tom.           became a West Midlands Police Cadet on 11   impact.”
          “Of course, we all need to be     April 1987 and, upon graduation, he became      But despite all the change he has

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