Page 18 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 18
‘Fed work is very satisfying’ since. The organisation is funded by Becoming a PFEW workplace representative
A current West Midlands rep is taking monthly subscriptions from officers and the is a great way to develop new skills and take
part in the national campaign to encourage Federation works on three levels: local, your career to new heights while also
more officers to put themselves forward for regional and national. making a difference for your colleagues.
what can be a challenging but rewarding There is a Police Federation branch in Any subscribing Federation member
role. every force together representing 120,000 - from PC to chief inspector - can nominate
Inspector Mark Hambling says he has officers, which is 97 per cent of the rank themselves and stand for election as a
found Federation work very satisfying. and file. workplace rep, automatically becoming part
“I actually gain more satisfaction from For further information and to read case of their local Branch Council. From there,
helping my colleagues than from my work as studies from officers who careers and lives they can stand to be on the local Branch
a police officer,” he said, “While you may be have been helped in some way by Board, then stand for a regional or a
used to helping members of the public, on Federation reps, visit http://www.polfed. national role if they wish.
this occasion, you are helping your org/campaigning/3733.aspx Federation branches across the country
colleagues and those closest to you. are making a special plea to members from
“The role gives me a chance to use the 2018 Federation under-represented groups to consider
knowledge and skills I have got to hopefully putting themselves forward to become reps
make colleagues feel better about what they elections: key dates to help better reflect the diversity of the
do.” membership.
Mark believes some of the training he A breakdown of each round is shown in
has received in the role has been ‘amazing’ the table below. The rounds in bold text Your local Federation
and that he has enjoyed speaking to fellow indicate those in which members are
reps from diverse backgrounds. able to vote. Each of the 43 police forces in England and
“In any walk of life, you can’t beat that. I 17 February Wales has a Federation Branch Council made
have had the chance to learn from officers of Branch Council nominations open up of all the workplace reps for that force.
different cultures, backgrounds, 1 - 21 March From the Branch Council, a Branch Board is
organisations and those who police different Branch Council voting open elected, including a chair, secretary and
communities,” he explains. 28 March treasurer.
West Midlands Federation chairman Tom Branch Council election results Other roles include equality liaison,
Cuddeford said he has got a lot out of his health and safety liaison, conduct and
role over the years. 3 - 11 April performance liaison, post-incident
“Becoming a Federation rep can be very Branch Board nominations open procedure lead and professional
rewarding because it gives you a chance to 15- 23 April development lead.
represent people you know and help fight Branch Board voting open
their cases in some tough situations,” he 27 April How to put yourself
said. Branch Board election results forward: FAQs
“There are frustrations, like in any walk 1 - 11 May
of life, but when you help an officer in need Branch chair nominations open for all What is the election process?
with anything from a piece of advice to branches The entry point is standing to be a
representation on a serious matter, it can be 14 - 30 May workplace representative for your local
very satisfying.” Branch chair voting open for all branch - this role automatically makes you
“The people you are representing come branches part of the Branch Council, which is made up
from active roles within the Force so you 31 May of all elected workplace representatives
know their jobs and you know the Branch chair election results within a given force.
difficulties they face in doing them which
really helps in the role of a rep. You have a The new election Who can stand for election as a workplace
level of understanding and empathy which rep?
is hugely beneficial to all parties.” process Any subscribing member who is not
Federation reps don’t just deal with l Members vote for workplace reps suspended can stand as a candidate in the
detail and factual information on issues like (Branch Council) constituency of which they are a member, so
pay, pensions and grievances, they can also l The Branch Council votes for the Branch long as they were a member of the
offer moral support and friendly advice to Board members Federation two months before nominations
officers who may be going through a l Members elect the local branch Chair opened - e.g. nominations opened on 1
difficult time at work for whatever reason. l The Branch Board elects the local branch February 2018, therefore it will be necessary
Reps also have access to third-party sources secretary to have been a member on 1 December
who may be able to aid officers, if they don’t l Branch Board chair and secretary make 2017.
know the answer themselves. up the National Council
As part of the Police Federation of l National Council votes to elect the How do I stand for election?
England and Wales (PFEW), West Midlands National Board Any member wishing to stand for election
reps also have the chance to put themselves l Members vote to elect the national can self-nominate via an online portal
forward for the national body whenever chair during the nomination period - a link will be
opportunities arise. l National Board selects the general provided to all members via their PNN email
PFEW was established in 1919 and has secretary address at the appropriate time. You will
represented the interests of officers from l National Board votes in remaining need to fill in the online nomination form
the ranks of constable to chief inspector ever
principal officers.
18 federation February/March 2018