Page 22 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 22
Health and wellbeing
Wellbeing support
has improved – but
more can be done
ealth and wellbeing provision at “The Force’s enhanced understanding of Overall, the Force was graded as ‘requires
West Midlands Police has improved wellbeing risks has enabled it to identify improvement’ in the legitimacy review.
H– according to the latest report from sections of the workforce who may be HM Inspector of Constabulary Wendy
the police watchdog. vulnerable to mental health issues. Williams said: “Although we found examples
However, supervisors have a lack “This supports focused preventative and of established practices and some recently
knowledge and understanding of the early action, such as the formation of a carer introduced developments that were
support services that are available to staff network, a menopause support group, and promising, there are areas where the Force
and officers. an employee assistance programme, ‘B-Well’, needs to make improvements.
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of launched in June 2017. “The Force needs to improve how it
Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services “We found a comprehensive range of ensures its workforce is treated fairly and
looked at wellbeing as part of its latest round resources available via the Force intranet with respect. Health and wellbeing provision
of inspections into legitimacy. which officers and staff can access for a for the workforce has been improved but
And while it highlighted the Force is variety of wellbeing needs, and this was some supervisors lack knowledge and
increasingly prioritising the health and easily accessible through the Force’s understanding of the support services t hat
wellbeing of its staff and officers, it still homepage. are available.
requires some improvement in how this is “The Force needs to work harder to “The Force has ambitious plans to
understood and recognised by the workforce. ensure supervisors are adequately equipped overhaul its leadership development and
It stated: “Although the Force is good at to intervene in individual cases of risks to individual performance development
taking early action to improve the wellbeing wellbeing, and that members of the arrangements, which should provide
of its workforce at an organisational level, its workforce have a clear understanding of the significant benefits in future.”
knowledge of early intervention and support support available to them and how to access You can read the full report at https://
at an individual level is not yet widespread. it.”
22 federation February/March 2018