Page 24 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 24
Flint House – getting
you back to full health
olice officers who subscribe to the The mental health practitioners facilitate
Flint House Police Rehabilitation low intensity group work, with psycho-
PCentre can get help with not just educational classes for common mental
physical injuries but also mental health health conditions, anxiety, depression and
issues. stress, run over the 12-day stay. Gentle
Flint House, which is in Goring on exercise and finding pleasure in walking is
Thames, has a highly skilled team of part of the programme to improve mental
physiotherapists, mental health health.
practitioners and registered nurses who In addition, general nursing care and
every year help more than 3,300 police health education classes are also
officers get back to full operational health. undertaken. Wellbeing encompasses healthy
Flint House aims to get serving officers lifestyle and choices. Patients can take time
back to full duties, using a sophisticated and to reflect on their lifestyle, habits and with
specialised programme of treatments and advice, education and encouragement, make
therapies. The reason it refers to the police decisions on change
officers as ‘patients’ is to denote the fact to ensure a healthier life.
that they are there for active treatment General classes are open to all patients
under the care of health professionals and for information and advice on aspects of
that Flint House treats them as individuals, health, sleep, stress management, nutrition
with no rank structure or any reference to and relaxation. Payroll donation is the route
their police title. to being a donor and is open to holders of
Flint House provides support for its the ‘office of constable’, and prepared to
subscribing members for injuries received contribute a monthly voluntary donation to
both on and off duty. support the charity’s aims and objectives.
While physical rehabilitation is the major As of 1 September 2016 the requested
treatment requirement for patients donation is only £1.70 net per week, taking
attending the centre, within the past two into account Give As You Earn, which is
years mental health has become an deducted direct from payroll. And yet only
increasingly required and vital part of the 20 per cent of West Midlands officers
Flint House treatment portfolio. subscribe, the lowest take-up rate in the
Considerable investment has been country.
undertaken in dedicated resources, both Flint House is a registered charity funded
financial and people. almost entirely by the donations of serving
The Health and Wellbeing Department is officers.
staffed by experienced mental health If you would like to subscribe, please
practitioners and registered nurses. contact the benevolent fund.
24 federation February/March 2018