Page 23 - WMPF Federation Magazine February / March 2018
P. 23

Areas for improvement
       The HMICFRS legitimacy review said the   Numbers using Welfare Support Programme
       Force should:                         increase as rising demands put officers
       l E nsure that all members of the
         workforce understand the concept of   under pressure
         unconscious bias and realise how it can
         undermine good decision-making, and   More officers are struggling to cope with the  greater and that has been well-
         support them in providing a bias-free   demands placed on them during the course   documented in recent times.
         service.                            of their duties.                      “While we continually strive for more
       l  Ensure, in respect of the use of force,      That is the stark reality of policing,   support from the Government to help our
         that:                               according to the latest figures from the   dedicated officers do their job to the best of
          l  Front-line officers and staff have a   Welfare Support Programme (WSP).  their ability, the pressure on those officers
         thorough understanding of the fair,      The WSP was set up in June 2015 as part   increases in many ways.
         legal and professional use of coercive   of a joint initiative between the Police      “Sometimes, that pressure can manifest
         powers particularly in relation to   Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) and  itself in the development of ill-health or
         handcuffing and conducting strip    Police Firearms Officers’ Association (PFOA),   problems with mental health and that is
         searches of people in custody;      and offers year-round support to officers and  where the WSP can offer such valuable
          l  Officers and staff routinely record all   their immediate families.  help.”
         use of force;                          In the last three years, 857 officers and      The use of the WSP varies across forces.
          l  It introduces processes to enable   their family members have registered on the   Some do not use the programme at all,
         effective and robust scrutiny of data;   programme.                    while others refer people on a weekly basis.
         and                                    West Midlands Police Federation chair      Over the last 12 months, the WSP has
          l  It uses individual and organisational   Tom Cuddeford said: “The demands being   made 2,856 contacts with officers and their
         learning from the scrutiny of       placed on our officers are getting greater and  family members.
         information and data about the use of   B-Well offers free counselling service
         force to improve the way the workforce
         treats people.                      Officers and staff have access to a free,   project by the Force’s People and
       l  Ensure that its published gifts and   24/7 confidential counselling and support   Organisation Development (POD)
         hospitality register is routinely kept up   service provided by the Force through its   department and is part of the People Deal
         to date.                            Employee Assistance Programme.     – the Force’s promise to its people.
       l  Ensure it introduces a robust process for      B-Well is delivered through an external      Sarah Cavendish, the Force’s mental
         effective vetting ‘renewals’        provider to offer 24/7 access to a variety of   health lead, said last year: “Occupational
         arrangements so that all members of   support and resources inclusive of   health and B-Well are the two main
         the workforce have up-to-date vetting   counselling, financial advice, line manager   avenues of support that I would
         checks.                             support, an online CBT programme and a   recommend people explore, however, we
       l  Review how it promotes access to its   lifestyle app.                 know that support is personal to the
         complaints system (including the       “This is a great service for our officers   individual and it may be that officers and
         distribution of printed information   and staff,” says Tom Cuddeford, chair of   staff need to ‘try out’ different options
         about how to make a complaint), in line   West Midlands Police Federation, “It can   before they find what works for them.
         with IPCC statutory guidance, the   offer a life-line in people’s hour of need.      “This may include support from the
         support it is able to offer people who   We appreciate there is no ‘one size fits all’   chaplaincy, the Police Federation, the staff
         may need additional assistance to make   service that will work for everyone so it is   association groups, the Benevolent Fund or
         a complaint, and how it promotes the   pleasing to see an increased range of   Police Mutual and so on. For anyone who is
         complaints process in communities that   support on offer and we welcome the fact   feeling stressed or anxious or dealing with
         have less trust and confidence in the   that the Force launched B-Well last year in   mental health issues I would always advise
         police.                             response to concerns about officer and   to seek support internally, in the first
       l  Improve the quality and timeliness of   staff welfare.”               instance from your line manager and
         updates to all complainants and other      Other than anonymised data about   externally, from your GP.
         parties involved, in line with IPCC   the numbers of people using the service,      “They will be best placed to signpost to
         statutory guidance.                 the details of those who use the service   other forms of support and resources and
       l  Ensure that all allegations which meet   and what they discuss with counsellors is   will have a personal relationship with you.
         the mandatory criteria for referral to the   kept entirely confidential.  Other avenues like B-Well or occupational
         IPCC are so referred.                  WMP B-Well was the first major   health can then be considered.”
       l  Ensure it has effective arrangements in   Blue Light Programme - support for emergency services
         place to support all individuals involved
         in any grievance and that all grievances   Independent research by Mind shows that   search and rescue services across England
         are properly identified, investigated and   members of the emergency services are   and Wales.
         speedily resolved.                  even more at risk of experiencing a mental      Thousands of staff and volunteers
       l  Ensure that its supervisors are able to   health problem than the general   across these services have actively
         recognise warning signs, intervene early   population, but are less likely to seek   challenged mental health stigma, learnt
         and provide support to members of the   support.                       more about mental health and made
         workforce whose wellbeing is at risk.     Mind is delivering the Blue Light   positive changes in their approach to
       l  Ensure that its workforce is aware of the   Programme to provide mental health   wellbeing with the support of the Blue
         wellbeing support that is available and   support for emergency services staff and   Light Programme so far.
         how to access it.                   volunteers from ambulance, fire, police and      You can find out more at
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